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Neoplan N4021 #928

july 1991 - Bremen,pętla Groepelingen. Nasz dawny 2271 z PKM Gdynia. Autorem zdjęcia jest Henning Kühn, który podesłał mi na maila spis pojazdów BSAG Bremen od lat 1914-2010 z numerami bocznymi, VINami i rejestracjami.

Author: Oliwias RSS
Place: Bremen (Bremen) | Owner: BSAG Bremen | Transport Authority: VBN | Route: 71

Comments: 4

AEG GT8N #3004

6 june 2010 - Bremen, Am Brill. It just somehow looked better in B&W :)

Author: straphanedytor RSS
Place: Bremen (Bremen) | Owner: BSAG Bremen | Route: 3

AEG GT8N #3010

6 june 2010 - Bremen, Obernstrasse. Despite it being a Sunday the trams on routes 2 and 3 run past the empty pedestrian zone every 10 minutes.

Author: straphanedytor RSS
Place: Bremen (Bremen) | Owner: BSAG Bremen | Route: 3

MAN NG320 Lion`s City GL #4592

6 june 2010 - Bremen, Am Brill. After a short flirt with Solaris products, the heads of the BSAG decided, that while they want to continue buying buses manufactured in the Poznań area, they would rather prefer a different make. And so they started buying MANs with a rather comically programmed display - they really couldn't make the font any bigger, could they? :)

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 7

AEG GT8N #3045

6 june 2010 - Bremen, Markt. During my university alumni reunion I managed to eke out a few hours to take a couple of pics. Here we see what I like most about the place - a tram going straight through the market square, passing the historical City Hall, with hordes of pedestrians and cyclists running around freely next to the tracks.

Author: straphanedytor RSS
Place: Bremen (Bremen) | Owner: BSAG Bremen | Route: 3

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter #4486

21 january 2012 - Bremen, Gröpelingen

MAN NG313 #4508

21 january 2012 - Bremen, Gröpelingen - seit Dezember ist aus der Linie 73 die "neue" 93 geworden.

Author: tim RSS

MAN NG320 Lion`s City GL #4731

21 january 2012 - Bremen, Gröpelingen - seit Dezember haben die Linien in Bremen-Nord neue Liniennummern und neue Linienwege bekommen.

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 3

Mercedes-Benz O530GDH #4599

24 july 2011 - BSAG-Hybridbus 4599 auf der Linie 26 an der Holsteiner Straße in Walle

Author: bus-pilot RSS

Comments: 4

Mercedes-Benz O530GDH #4600

13 july 2011 - BSAG-Hybridbus 4600 auf der Linie 26 an der Silbermannstraße in der Überseestadt.

Author: bus-pilot RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NL223 #134

9 april 2011 - Bremen. Hauptbahnhof

Author: EladGs RSS

Bombardier GT8N-1 #3109

9 april 2011 - Bremen, Parkstrasse.

Author: EladGs RSS

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter City 65 #4486

1 april 2011 - BSAG-Mietwagen 4486 auf der Linie 82 in Bremen, Gröpelingen

AEG GT8N #3029

12 february 2011 - Bremen, Stapelfeldtstraße.

Author: tomekk RSS

AEG GT8N #3011

12 february 2011 - Bremen, Stapelfeldtstraße.

Author: tomekk RSS

AEG GT8N #3008

12 february 2011 - Bremen, Stapelfeldtstraße.

Author: tomekk RSS

Bova Magiq HD 120 #132

8 july 2008 - Bremen, Bussteig.

MAN NG313 #4502

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Bahnhofstrasse. (?)

Author: Oliwias RSS

MAN NL 293 Lion´s City #4344

2 september 2010 - Bremen, Sebaldsbrück

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 5

MAN NG320 Lion`s City GL #4575

2 september 2010 - Bremen, Domsheide

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NG320 Lion`s City GL #4586

2 september 2010 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NG313 #4516

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Osterstrasse. The bus is of course going through bus-tram-lane. On the right - electronic timetable, which is very common in this city.

Comments: 2

AEG GT8N #3035

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Wilhelm-Kaisen-Bruecke. Interior of this long tram is arranged to provide seat for majority of passengers. One of few disadvantages of this tram is quite loud propulsion system.

Solaris Urbino 18 #4569

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Herman-Boese-Strasse. It's nice to see Polish vehicles in a German city. Every new bus has a hatch next to first wheel. What is hidden there?

Comments: 4

Setra S319 NF #48

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Bahnhofplatz. 15-meter long, low-floor bus runs on 40-kilometer long line between Bremen and Zeven.

Author: Jacek Pudłoedytor RSS
Place: Bremen (Bremen) | Owner: EVB Zeven | Route: 630

Comments: 3

AEG GT8N #3044

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Am Dorn. Here the tramway goes on ideally flat track past the most important historic buildings in Bremen. Such a lovely view.

Comments: 3

AEG GT8N #3044

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Oberstrasse. Tramways run in Bremen thourgh the most important streets of city center, full of shops. The clue is clear - you should leave your car in your garage, avoid searching park place, and reach centre by city-friendy tramway. I would like to see this solution in my hometown, Lublin.

Comments: 2

Bombardier GT8N-1 #3118

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse. Tramways in Bremen play major role in passenger transport system. In the city center most frequently met are low-floor tramways Adtranz and Bombadier.

Comments: 3

Setra S315 NF #497

17 february 2010 - Bremen, Bahnhofsplatz. Rail station place in Bremen is a special place. Buses and tramways from many places meet here, surrounded by modern glass and steel made shelters. In the picture there is a bus from Wolters company, which has got 24 buses and provides service in Bremen and local cities.

Comments: 3

Neoplan N4021 #4867

3 february 2010 - Bremen, Neoplan 4867 an der Domsheide als Linie 24 Richtung Rablinghausen.

Author: bus-pilot RSS

Comments: 2

MAN NL 293 Lion´s City #4342

22 december 2009 - BSAG Lion's City Bus No 4342 on "Betriebshof Blumenthal"

Author: bus-pilot RSS

Comments: 10

Neoplan N4021 #4814

20 march 2001 - Bremen, Am Dom. Dawniej miasto Brema było swoistą niemiecką stolicą Neoplanów - chyba żadne inne miasto nie kupowało ich tyle co Brema.

Volkswagen Transporter T4 / Kutsenits City III #4492

16 march 2007 - BSAG 4492 in Bremen, Borgfeld Linie 32

Author: bus-pilot RSS

Solaris Urbino 12 #4213

24 august 2009 - Bremen, Sebaldsbrück - Sebaldsbrücker Heerstraße

Author: tim RSS

Solaris Urbino 12 #4163

24 august 2009 - Bremen, Bahnhof Vegesack Solaris-Meeting 4721,4550&4163

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 1

Solaris Urbino 12 #4171

13 august 2008 - Bremen, Bahnhof Vegesack - new Solaris are slowly replacing the old MANs and Neoplans which dominated in Bremen-Vegesack for many years. At the End of this year, Bremen will have around 90 Solaris busses!

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 4

Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid #4998

12 august 2008 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 2

Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid #4998

12 august 2008 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof

Author: tim RSS

Mercedes O405GN #4603

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Bahnhofstrasse.

Author: Oliwias RSS

AEG GT8N #3005

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hugo-Schauinsland-Platz.

Author: Oliwias RSS

MAN NG313 #4518

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Bahnhofstrasse.

Author: Oliwias RSS

Mercedes O405GN #4620

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hugo-Schauinsland-Platz.

Author: Oliwias RSS

Mercedes O405GN #4628

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hugo - Schauinsland - Platz.

Author: Oliwias RSS

Setra S315 NF #25

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof / ZOB

Author: Oliwias RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NL223 #127

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hauptahnhof.

Author: Oliwias RSS

Mercedes-Benz O350-15RHD #RT 12258

11 july 2008 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof. :)

Author: Oliwias RSS

Comments: 7

AEG GT8N #3011

29 october 2004 - Bremen, Am Brill. There are three major kinds of weather in Bremen: before the rain, rain, and after the rain. Other kinds are in a tiny minority.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3022

14 march 2004 - Bremen, Gröpelingen. Sympatyczna mordka made by AEG. Ostatnia sesja zdjęć po sesji egzaminacyjnej pod koniec II roku studiów, a potem sru do Frankfurtu/M na praktyki :)

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Wegmann GT4f #3524

3 february 2004 - Bremen, Riensberg. Ten kolega jeszcze nie jeździ w Timisoarze. Jeszcze…

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Wegmann GT4 #3551

31 may 2003 - Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Domsheide. Zabrałem się za małe czyszczenie archiwów i reperowanie tego, co da się zreperować w Photoshopie :)

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Mercedes O405GN #4616

13 april 2008 - Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Hermann-Böse-Strasse, czyli ulica Hermana Złego :) Wozy mają już po 10 i pół roku, a trzymają się naprawdę wyśmienicie – mimo tego, że od 10 i pół roku nie miały stałej obsady, a najdłuższy „kurs” (w Bremie tak się nazywają brygady) ma ok. 20 godzin. Zadziwiające…

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 9

Mercedes O405GN #4608

13 april 2008 - Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Gustav-Deetjen-Allee. Torowisko zmodernizowano tutaj chyba tylko dla potrzeb autobusów – linie 26/27 pojawiają się tutaj łącznie co 7,5 minuty w szczycie. Torowisko zaś służy wyłącznie jako trasa awaryjna i jako dojazd do pięknej pętli Bürgerpark, na której kończą linie turystyczne 15 i 16.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Solaris Urbino 8,6 #4489

22 march 2008 - Bremen, Stromer Straße One of two new Solaris Alpino 8,6 for the BSAG.

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 1

Solaris Urbino 18 #4537

22 march 2008 - Bremen, Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke One of 22 new U 18 III for the BSAG delivered in early 2008.

Author: tim RSS

Solaris Urbino 12 #4161

22 march 2008 - Bremen, Huckelriede. The first of 16 new Solaris U 12 III for the BSAG,Bremen.

Author: tim RSS

Comments: 4

Neoplan N4021 #4804

22 march 2001 - Bremen, Uniwersytet.

Comments: 2

Hansa GT4c #3985

13 november 2007 - Bremen, Violenstrasse. Autor: W. Szymański, zgoda jest.

Author: M.S. RSS

MAN NG313 #4502

7 june 2004 - Brema, pętla Sebaldsbrück. Zaraz obok znajduje się jedna z zajezdni tramwajowych BSAG, a za nią największy miejscowy pracodawca - zakłady Mercedesa.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4874

7 june 2004 - Bremen-Gröpelingen. Ważny węzeł przesiadkowy. Z centrum Bremy dochodzą tu dwie trasy tramwajowe, z których można się przesiąść na kilka linii autobusowych jadących dalej na peryferia.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Comments: 2

AEG GT8N #3028

7 june 2004 - Bremen, Domsheide. Jedno z wielu miejsc na świecie, gdzie intensywny ruch tramwajowy przez zabytkową starówkę nikomu nie przeszkadza.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Comments: 9



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