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Gotha T57 #2

8 august 2009 - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall

Gotha T57 #3

8 august 2009 - Lichtenhain, Nasser Grund

MAN SG312 #PIR-K 124

8 august 2009 - Kirnitzschtal, Beuthenfall

Gotha T57 #2

8 august 2009 - Kirnitzschtal, Mittelndorfer Mühle

Gotha T57 #3

8 august 2009 - Kirnitzschtal, Mittelndorfer Mühle

MAN NÜ313 Lion's City Ü #PIR-OV 155

8 august 2009 - Kirnitzschtal, Ostrauer Mühle

Comments: 1

Gotha T57 #3

8 august 2009 - Bad Schandau, Pflanzengarten

MAN Lion's Regio #PIR-OV 105

8 august 2009 - Bad Schandau, Kirnitzschtalstrasse

Gotha T57 #3

8 august 2009 - Bad Schandau, Stadtpark

Gotha / AEG #8

31 may 2009 - Szwajcaria Saksońska, dolina Krzynicy. Skład zjeżdża do przystanku "Beuthenfall".

Author: Bogutnewseredytor RSS

Gotha T57 #3

31 may 2009 - Szwajcaria Saksońska. Trójskład Goth rozpoczął półgodzinną podróż wzdłuż Doliny Krzynicy.

Author: Bogutnewseredytor RSS

Comments: 2

Miscellaneous vehicles #PIR-FN 88

1 may 2009 - Bad Schandau, An der Elbe.

Comments: 1

MAN EL202 #PIR-K 205

1 may 2009 - Bad Schandau, An der Elbe.

MAN Kirnitzschtal #12

1 may 2009 - Bad Schandau, Stadtpark.

MAN #5

1 may 2009 - Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz, Kirnitzschtalstrasse.

Comments: 3

MAN Lion's Regio #PIR-OV 106

1 may 2009 - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall.

Miscellanous vehicles #80

1 may 2009 - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Podobno to ex Drezdeńczyk, proszę o pomoc w sprawie modelu.

Gotha T57 #61

1 may 2009 - Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz, Kirnitzschtalstrasse. Tuż przy drugiej mijance Schneiderweiche. W tym dniu nasi zachodni sąsiedzi mieli mała imprezkę tramwajową.

Gotha T57 #1

18 may 2004 - Kirnitzschtal, Germany – Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Gotha car 1 at the Wasserfall. Like the Woltersdorf tramway near Berlin, I wonder what will happen when low-floor trams soon become compulsory throughout Germany? Maybe these two lines are classed more like national monuments and will escape? Naumberg is another, but more like a museum tramway, although it has recently begun to operate every day.

Comments: 3

Gotha T57 #1

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal, Germany – Kirnitzschtalstrasse. Approaching the Wasserfall terminus along the narrow mountain road. The track on this line is laid in traditional kerb-side fashion and must be quite dangerous in places. Thankfully, motor traffic is quite well behaved around here.

Gotha T57 #3

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal, Germany – Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. A small tip for visiting tram fans – don’t bother to go and see the waterfall, like I did. I’ve seen more exciting ditches.

Gotha T57 #4

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal, Germany – Kirnitzschtalstrasse. One of the passing loops along the single track. The driver often leaves the motor tram here, to go and collect fares on the trailer.

Gotha T57 #3

18 may 2005 - Bad Schandau, Germany – Stadtpark. The tramway used to continue along the road here, into the centre of Bad Schandau. It would be very nice to bring it back and save a long walk.

Gotha T57 #1

18 may 2005 - Bad Schandau - Stadtpark. A closer look at Gotha ET57 #1, which originally ran in Plauen as their car 61 and came here in 1993. All Kirnitschtalbahn cars wear this attractive, chrome yellow livery. The line opened in 1898 and is now one person operated – in fact, the entire tramway operation only needs three or four people to bring the trams out, run the entire service and put them back in the depot at night.

Gotha T57 #3

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Tram 3 shunts trailer 21 in preparation for the return journey. There are no loops, so the motor tram must run round the trailer at each terminus. Trailer 21 is a vehicle constructed from bodywork ex-Leipzig and a chassis ex-Halle. The Kirnitschtalbahn is operated by a local bus company (OVPS), which also operates riverboat services on the nearby River Elbe.

Gotha T57 #3

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal – Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. At the outer terminus of the Kirnitzschtalbahn there are several methods of separating tourists from their money – restaurants, cafes, bars and shops. There is also this rather scary place where the tram has to creep round a blind corner, facing oncoming traffic. The tram driver issues tickets on the motor car and trailer, stopping the trams in the road whilst he does so.

Gotha T57 #1

18 may 2005 - Kirnitzschtal – Kirnitzschtalstrasse. Car 1 near the outer terminus. This is one of the very few straight pieces of road - as can be seen, the road is quite narrow and an oncoming tram is often hidden by trees until the last moment, so ‘near misses’ are a fact of life. Fortunately, the trams only travel quite slowly. Their survival is fortunate - the road is quite busy with motor traffic and similar roadside tramways in Germany and elsewhere were closed down on road safety grounds.

Gotha T57 #3

18 may 2005 - Bad Schandau, Stadtpark. The Kirnitzschtalbahn is a metre gauge, gutter-running, single track and passing loop operation of a type now rare. It runs from the small town of Bad Schandau in ‘Saxon Switzerland’ along a narrow, twisting valley that attracts walkers and tourists. Gotha car 3 (ex-Klingenthal Strassenbahn) and trailer 21 wait in Bad Schandau to form the next service to Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Until a few years ago, the trams continued further down the main street into the town centre, but the line was then cut back to a terminus in this small park.

Gotha T57 #2

4 april 2008 - Bad Schandau, Forsthaus. Wot taka ciekawostka z przepisów ruchu drogowego ;-).

Comments: 3

Gotha T57 #4

4 april 2008 - Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz, Kirnitzschtalstrasse.

Gotha T57 #2

4 april 2008 - Bad Schandau, mijanka przy zajezdni OVPS.

Comments: 1

Gotha T57 #1

4 april 2008 - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall.

Comments: 6

Gotha T57 #4

4 april 2008 - Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz, Kirnitzschtalstrasse.

Comments: 3

Gotha T57 #3

3 may 1998 - Kirnitzschtal, Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Skład 3+25 opuszcza końcowy przystanek przy wodospadzie. W sezonie tramwaj kursuje co pół godziny, zimą jedna brygada co 70 minut. Bilet jednorazowy kosztuje 3 €.

Comments: 2

Gotha T57 #1

3 may 1998 - Kirnitzschtal. 1+26+22. W weekendy tramwaj przyciąga wielu chętnych na przejażdżkę. Czasami trzeba doczepić trzeci wagon.

Gotha T57 #1

3 may 1998 - Kirnitzschtal. Tak mniej więcej w całości wygląda trasa tramwaju w Bad Schandau. Aż dziwne że jeszcze tak mało stąd zdjęć.

Comments: 10

Gotha T57 #3

3 may 1998 - Bad Schandau. 3+25. Czas na wycieczkę uroczym tramwajem kursującym 8-kilometrową trasą w dolinie Kirnitzschtal w Szwajcarii Saksońskiej.

Comments: 1

MAN SG312 #PIR-K 124

16 april 2007 - Bad Schandau, Bahnhof

MAN EL202 #PIR-K 234

15 june 2006 - Bad Schandau - rail station.

Comments: 3

MAN ÜL292 #PIR-K 324

15 june 2006 - Bad Schandau, przy dworcu kolejowym. Jak ja lubię taką sielankę.

Author: Tatuś Tatuśnewserlimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Bad Schandau (Sachsen) | Owner: OVPS Pirna | Transport Authority: VVO | Route: 241

Gotha T57 #1

25 july 2005 - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall.

Comments: 5



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