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Ikarus 260.02 #A 0654 BA

Ikarus 260.02 #A 0654 BA

    Scrapped: 2008
Author: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2007-11-02 14:47:17
Width: 960, Height: 621
File size: 228.47kB
31 october 2007 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A pigpen on the line 16 is just leaving the stop in front of the Old Post. This Ikarus pacifically is very interesting for me. I've never seen it on other lines. It's always on 16, all though in a site there's a picture of it with table with number 8. This bus is available every weekday on this line from many years and even sometimes it takes all the runs for the day, but with different drivers. Eight runs about two hours each are really a challenge. And you can't confuse it with other Ikaruses, because this is the only Ikarus 260 from East Germany in Burgas. And I ask myself every day whether it's an original 260 or it's a cut 280 (look at the writings on the grille). And it's amazingly fast for an Ikarus. BTW, it was yellow before being repainted. As for the line 16 it's going to the villages Cherni Vrah, Polski Izvor & Trastikovo after crossing the half of Burgas, so I often use it to go home :)
en gt


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