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Nissan Diesel ADG-RA273KAN / NSK 96MC #627
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2021-09-01 10:01:04.478981
Width: 1150, Height: 771
File size: 884.31kB
13 february 2019 - Hiroshima, Minami-ku, Matsubarachō (広島県広島市南区松原町), Hiroshima-eki bus terminal.
21-1: 広島駅 (Hiroshima-eki) → 広島港 (Hiroshima-minato)
Hiroshima station is an important point in this company`s network, as most of their routes meet here. Rte 21-1 seen in the photo is part of a really strange corridor, which in reality contains three separate routes: 21 which runs from neighbourhoods in eastern Hiroshima to the city centre, 21-2 which runs from Hiroshima station to Hiroshima port, and 21-1 as in the photo, which runs a route similar to 21-2, but along different streets (it`s pretty much a carbon copy of tram rte 1, aside from running two streets away towards the end of the route). Trips operating from one extreme end to the other only operate during rush hours, and not that many of them either - during most of the day this operates as realistically two routes with just four (!) stops in common. Of course on the common section this is all printed on one timetable page, which is of course loaded with variation markers - and while each half runs in the interpeak every 15 and is aligned to run every 7-8 minutes on the common section going westbound, they`re scheduled bumper to bumper going eastbound...
en pl gt


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