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ЛиАЗ-5292.?? #1963

22 april 2022 - Saint Petersburg, Ligovskiy prospekt.

НефАЗ 5299-?? #35600

22 april 2022 - Saint Petersburg, Ligovskiy prospekt.

Ikarus 280.03 #О 680 МС 198

24 april 2022 - Saint Petersburg, Shushary, Expoforum the Congress-exhibition center. This Ikarus was on the oldtimer`s exhibition. There were a lot of old cars (Russian, soviet and foreigh), but also there were buses: only this Ikarus and two Roburs, and there were two trolleybuses: KTG-1 and Skoda 9Tr. Thanks to BOSS the Fotobus-user for information about license plate!

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