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Werkspoor Drieasser #902

13 may 2018 - Sehnde/Wemingen, Straßenbahnmuseum

Werkspoor Drieasser #496

18 june 2011 - Amsterdam, NDSM-terrein
Jeszcze widok na cały "skład" od tyłu.

Werkspoor Drieasser #496

18 june 2011 - Amsterdam, NDSM-terrein
Przejażdżka promem NDSM-werfveer kończy się przy małym cmentarzysku starych tramwajów, z których miejscowa śmietanka towarzyska zrobiła sobie miejsce zamieszkania. Oto silnikowy trójosiowiec #496.

Comments: 1

Werkspoor Drieasser #533

28 august 2011 - Amsterdam, Damrak, lijn 20

Comments: 3

Werkspoor Drieasser #533

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. UITP 125th Anniversary preparations. STIB normally runs both pantograph and trolley-equipped cars between here and Terveuren – a bow collector must have been a new experience for them, but it didn’t seem to matter! If one of these ‘foreign’ trams had brought down the overhead wires, the whole show would have to be stopped, I guess.

Werkspoor Drieasser #533

18 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. UITP 125th Anniversary preparations. Some of the visiting trams stand outside the depot ready for their big day tomorrow, including the attractive three-axle Amsterdam car.

Werkspoor Drieasser #533

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. On 19 September, Line 44 was taken over by museum trams from the extensive STIB museum collection. In addition, ten visiting trams ran in public service - see today's pictures. A unique occasion!

Werkspoor Drieasser #902

9 may 2007 - Graz (AT) – Tramway Museum, Mariatrost. This nice little museum stands at the end of Graz Line 1 and was once the depot of the independent, metre gauge Mariatrosterbahn (some of whose trams went to Lodz). Here are a 1944 Wien Type K car, a Munchen Type G of 1948 and a 1943 three-axle Amsterdam car -the Dutch called this tram type a ‘bloedneus’, or ‘nosebleed’, for obvious reasons! I have no idea how it finished up here in Austria. Some of these trams may not remain here much longer, as I think the museum wishes to concentrate on keeping just Austrian trams.



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