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Optare Solo #YJ 56 WUM

12 august 2008 - Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK – The Commons, High Street. NORDCAR operates around 25 vehicles of various sizes. If you live in a remote village, you can book a bus ride to or from your home (within reason!). Line 83 is a regular, fixed-route service, however.

Optare Solo #YJ 56 WUM

12 august 2008 - Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK – The Commons, High Street. NORDCAR is a County Council supported service to provide stage carriage and dial-a-ride services in very rural areas of Dorset, often replacing routes that other operators have given up as uneconomic, like Line 83 to Blandford Forum, shown here. A TWB debut for this concern.



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