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Van Hool TDX21 Altano #1778

16 june 2023 - Seljord, bus station. Luggage space should not be an issue in the new Altanos.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Comments: 1

Van Hool TDX21 Altano #1778

16 june 2023 - Seljord, bus station. On Wednesday 14 June, four new Van Hool TDX21 Altano were set into service on the route between Haugesund and Oslo. Two buses are owned by Telemark Bilruter Buss and two by Tide Buss. Tide Buss also has two similar buses on the NW400 between Bergen and Stavanger.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Comments: 1

Van Hool TDX21 Altano #1778

16 june 2023 - Seljord, Vallarvegen (E134), near Satajuvet. On Wednesday 14 June, four new Van Hool TDX21 Altano were set into service on the route between Haugesund and Oslo. Two buses are owned by Telemark Bilruter Buss and two by Tide Buss. Tide Buss also has two similar buses on the NW400 between Bergen and Stavanger.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Volvo 9700HD UG 14,8m #102

17 april 2022 - Seljord, Vallarvegen (E134). The road will become quite a bit straighter later this year.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Telemark Bilruter Buss Seljord | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Scania LK450EB 6x2 NI Interlink HD #164

17 april 2022 - Seljord, Vallarvegen (E134).

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Telemark Bilruter Buss Seljord | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Volvo 9700HD UG 14,8m #1752

29 december 2020 - E134 Brunkebergvegen, Kviteseid.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Kviteseid (Telemark) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Volvo 9700HD UG 14,8m #1752

15 november 2019 - Garvikstrondi, Seljord.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Seljord (Telemark) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Comments: 1

Volvo 9700HD UG 14,8m #1753

2 july 2019 - Røldal, Haukelivegen.

Author: Kamil Korczak RSS
Place: Ullensvang (Vestland) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180

Comments: 2

Volvo 9700HD UG 14,8m #1753

8 may 2018 - Bangeløkka, Drammen. On its maiden journey from Haugesund to Oslo.

Author: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Place: Drammen (Buskerud) | Owner: Tide Buss Bergen | Transport Authority: NOR-WAY | Route: NW180



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