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Search Photos

Ikarus 263.10 #317

15 december 2006 - Budapest. Budatétény, Lépcsős Street. According to the contract, lines 14/114 were served with types MAN SL223 and Volvo/Alfabusz Localo of VT-Transman, but occasionally some Ikarus 263s appeared as replacement.

Author: pacman RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKV Budapest | Route: 14

Comments: 1

MAN SL223 #465

1 august 2004 - Budapest (22. district), Nagytétényi street

Author: Tatuś Tatuśnewserlimiteredytordriver RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKV Budapest | Route: 14

Comments: 2

MAN SL223 #468

february 2005 - Budapest (11. district), Dezső Kosztolányi square

Author: settebello RSS
Place: Budapest (Budapest) | Owner: ArrivaBus Budapest | Transport Authority: BKV Budapest | Route: 14



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