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Verkehrsbetriebe Danzig-Gotenhafen AG

Operators Details

NameVerkehrsbetriebe Danzig-Gotenhafen AG
Operators AttributesTram OperatorTrolleybus OperatorRegular Bus Operator
Other InformationThe Company was established on 18 March 1899 as the Danziger Elektrische Straßenbahnen AG. The company name was changed in 1942 into Verkehrsbetriebe Danzig-Gotenhafen AG.

There are detailed historic records in Siegfried Bufe: Straßenbahnen in Ost- und Westpreußen, Egglham 1987, pp. 68-132.

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Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
251-254 ЯТБ-4ЯМЗЯМЗ ЯТБ-1/2/4/5Динамо ДК-201Б?1945No Photo0/4
253,254 ЯТБ-2ЯМЗЯМЗ ЯТБ-1/2/4/5Динамо ДТБ-6019431945No Photo0/2
201-215 Henschel/WF Danzig 1942HenschelGFW 194219421945No Photo0/13
Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
390 Duewag KSW (B2)DuewagDuewag KSW19441945No Photo0/1
252-268 ?WFD 1927DWFGFW Danzig 1927? Bergmann AG19271946No Photo0/6
269-274 DWF Ring TwDWF19301946No Photo0/6
Unknown ?Schörling SchienenreinigungswagenSchörlingTechnical RailgrinderSchörling Schienenschleifwagen19281946No Photo0/1
290-294 Fuchs KSWFuchsFuchs KSW19441946No Photo0/5
245-264 GFW Danzig 1927GFWGFW Danzig 1927AEG ?19271946No Photo0/20
Unknown ?VNBHerbrand?1946No Photo0/1
300-309 WFB Danzig 1930GFWGFW Danzig 1930GFW Danzig 193019301946No Photo0/10
240-244 GFW Danzig 1925GFWGFW Danzig 1925GFW Danzig 192519251946No Photo0/5
280-289 WF Danzig 1928GFWGFW Danzig 1928GFW Danzig 192819281946No Photo0/11
Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
380-389 GFW P15GFWWIwK P1519401946No Photo0/10