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Association pour la sauvegarde du Vicinal ASBL/

SNCV Andenne Autorail-Tracteur #ART 300

6 september 1997 - Rue de Moustier, Thuin: The ASVi transport museum in Thuin, near Charleroi, has an excellent collection of trams and other items once owned by the Belgian secondary railways (SNVC/NMBS). They are very unusual in having permission to run their operations in public roads, where the original SNCV tracks were often laid. Here is a "whoops" moment on the way down from the ASVi depot to the centre of Thuin village - ASVi drivers have to be extremely careful in several places, not to collide with non-too-careful drivers. ART 300 was one of the last vehicles built for the SNCV - the "T" suffix designates a tractor, rather than just a motor car, being more powerful and with added ballast weight to help traction. It was the mainstay of ASVI operations for the first few years of the museum`s existence.
Author: dvigar
17 august 1999 - Thuin, Belgium. The ASVi tramway museum features street running, which is unusual for an enthusiast-run operation. The line was once an electrified route of the extensive Vicinal system but was closed and de-electrified in the 1990s. ASVi have worked very hard to restore electric operation, but for some years could only run with diesel powered trams, like ART300 shown here.
Author: dvigar
17 august 1999 - Thuin, Belgium. One of the difficulties with occasional street running is that drivers aren’t always expecting a tram to come along at that precise moment!
Author: dvigar



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