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Бургасволан 95, ООД/

MAN SÜ240 #A 4126 BB

4 september 2007 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A MAN-bus on the line 25 at the station near "Billa".
Author: Metzgermeister5

10 may 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. This MAN bus likes it dirty :] The photo is taken in front of the garage of another transport operator in Burgas - "Comfort". You can even see an Isuzu, property of the operator. But let's talk more about the MAN bus! The line 101 is a line available in the mornings and the afternoons in the weekdays (10 may wasn't part of a weekend for us in Bulgaria, so the line had to be available on that Saturday. Why? It's a long story!). The interesting about this line is that it's a one-way line, so when the buses finish the route, they have to get back empty to the first stop, crossing the half city. And also in the afternoon the route is in reverse in comparison with in the morning. I mean in the mornings the first stop is in the district of Izgrev and that same stop becomes a last stop later in the afternoons. I hope you got me right!
Author: Metzgermeister5

Comments: 3

18 june 2008 - Burgas, ul. Hristo Botev.
Author: mash



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