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Бургасволан 95, ООД/

Mercedes-Benz O305 #A 6965 BK

2 july 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. It's not fair - this Mercedes was one of the best looking buses of "Burgasvolan" and they put an advertisement on it, while other buses sneak around with rust and not that satisfying appearance!
Author: Metzgermeister5

11 april 2011 - Burgas, ul. Hristo Botiewa. Zdjęcie dziadowskie, ale dziadki, szczególnie z niemieckimi napisami, zawsze mnie rozczulają przypominając zabawy z kartuskim (żukowskim) 7378. Ten dodatkowo przypomniał, że już ponad dwa lata nie ma z nami Planetobusa.
Author: GK

Mercedes-Benz O305 #A 6967 BK

26 october 2007 - Burgas, Bulgaria. One of the most good looking buses in Burgas is caught seconds before leaving the bus station near "Billa" (this time the store is captured too). The line is 7. If the ugly and discomfortable plastic seats were missing that would be the perfect bus for me.
Author: Metzgermeister5



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