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Metrobus Ltd./

Scania CN94UB #518

31 may 2014 - London-Bromley, Tweedy Road
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Scania CN94UB #523

28 june 2008 - London Borough of Bromley, Anerley Hill. One of the few 12-metre London buses (Made in Poland of course) climbs the hill towards Crystal Palace with some effort. In the background you can see the south eastern suburbs of London and some hills that already belong to Kent.
Author: straphan
Comments: 3

Scania CN94UB #526

13 july 2008 - Londyn (London Borough of Bromley). Anerley Hill. ..z widokiem na Kent.
Author: af_robert

Comments: 3

Scania CN94UB #527

13 september 2009 - London Borough of Bromley/Southwark, Crystal Palace Parade (Crystal Palace Bus Station).
At the letf side titled Scania CN94UB #527 of Metrobus Crawley (route 358 Crystal Palace - Orpington Station), and the other (right) Dennis Dart SLF/Plaxton Pointer #34229 of Selkent - ELBG London (route 227 Crystal Palace - Bromley North).

Author: Grzesiu-z1

Comments: 8

Scania CN94UB #540

21 march 2010 - London-Croydon, George Street. Pozostaniemy przy tematyce scanii, ale w nieco innym zakątku świata.
Author: straszny

Scania CN94UB #541

21 march 2010 - London-Croydon, Addiscombe Road.
Author: straszny

Scania CN94UB #542

14 january 2012 - Londyn (London Borough of Hounslow), Great South-West Road. Ekspresowa linia X26 jest obecnie najdłuższą linią autobusową w Londynie, łączącą centrum Croydon z odległym o 34km lotniskiem Heathrow. Czas przejazdu całej trasy to od 80 do 120 minut. Obsługę gwarantuje 9 brygad obsługiwanych takimi właśnie jedno, lub dwudrzwiowymi Scaniami, które 14 kwietnia b.r. zostaną zastąpione nowiutkimi Mercedesami Citaro.
Author: pawelzmiennik

Comments: 2

Scania CN94UB #544

28 september 2006 - Londyn, pętla przy Heathrow Terminals 1, 2, 3. Scania podstawia się na przystanek przy jednym z wyjść wielkiego lotniska Heathrow. Nawet metro dojeżdżające na lotnisko (Piccadilly Line) ma w jego obrębie dwie stacje (przy terminalu 4 oraz przy 1,2,3), a przejazd pomiędzy nimi trwa niemal 5 minut. Poza przegubowymi Citaro to chyba najbardziej "swojski" autobus na jaki trafiłem w Londynie - wszystkie inne to konstrukcje w Polsce raczej niespotykane.
Author: NadzórRuchu

Comments: 1

Scania CN94UB #549

5 june 2008 - Crawley, West Sussex – Southgate Avenue. Busways in this street run in both directions. Buses approach the concrete guide channels at normal speed and have priority through traffic junctions, making the service fast and reliable. Where there are no guided sections, conventional painted bus lanes are provided. Bus stops have raised pavements and electronic information displays. Tramways on the cheap? Maybe – certainly a very effective way to knock down more pedestrians :-)
Author: dvigar
Comments: 3

Scania CN94UB #550

5 june 2008 - Crawley, West Sussex – London Road. I mentioned guided busway yesterday, but didn’t know there were no pictures on TWB (or that there isn’t really a Polish term for it). So, here is a section of busway on the Crawley Fastway network, in the centre of a dual carriageway road. The buses that operate here are specially fitted Scanias with horizontal guide wheels that steer the front wheels (so conventional buses can’t use the guideway). You can just see a guide wheel behind the front door.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 3



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