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Hillerød Lilleskole/

Volvo B58-60 / VBK M40 #DV 99 644

february 1990 - Hillerød, railway station, February 1990. The Volvo B58-60 was equipped with a body from the Danish manufacturer O. Carlsen & Sønner - Karosserifabrik in a cooperation with the Norwegian VBK. It was in use by Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab (no. 5015) till 1986 and was subsequently used as a school bus by Hillerød Lilleskole.
Author: HKN
Comments: 3

february 1990 - Hammersholt, at Hillerød Lilleskole, February 1990. The vehicle was delivered to Helsingør Bussen in 1970 and was in service with Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab (no. 5015) between 1974 and 1986. From then it was used as a school bus by the private Hillerød Lilleskole in Hammersholt.
Author: HKN
Comments: 3



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