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АвтоКарз, АвтоКрат/

ГолАЗ-АКА-5225 #Н 577 КР 777

6 november 2014 - Monino station, Moscow region. When Soviet Empire was close to collapse, government, jointly with Daimler-Benz, built a new, modern bus plant in Moscow region, called GolAZ. It started with licensed Mercedes O303 and such original vehiches at O405 and O405G chassis, called AKA (from "Bus-trolleybus concern "Avtrokon"). Economical recession of 90s, caused by "shocking" post-soviet reforms, made expensive buses unclaimed, and GolAZ got a new owner in 00`s - and started another production. Since 2014 they don`t produce buses, and now its main production - tractors and other agricultural machinery
Author: Mad_BOSS

Comments: 3



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