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Remonty i Modernizacje Tramwajów 'Protram Wrocław', sp. z o.o./

Konstal 4N1 #P-21

1 may 2001 - Wroclaw – Legnicka. In 2001, MPK still carried out their own tramway repairs in the buildings now occupied by Protram, who were about to take over. There was also a thriving museum here, which sadly didn’t last much longer. Here is the ex-Szczecin 4N Type being restored to become the Protram works shunter and 'pet' P-21.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 2

10 august 2002 - Wrocław, ul. Świdnicka. Parada z okazji 125lecia tramwajów we Wrocławiu.
Author: Krystian Jacobson
Comments: 2

10 august 2002 - mosty mieszczańskie, Wrocław.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 12

10 august 2002 - Wrocław, most Pomorski. Czy ktoś ma gdzieś zapisaną trasę parady?
Author: ikarus
Comments: 3

10 august 2002 - ulica Teatralna, Wrocław.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
23 january 2003 - Teren Protramu. Ten zegar na hali to działa?, bo zdawało mi się, że trochę później robiłem to zdjęcie :]
Author: Dawid

Comments: 3

24 june 2006 - Wrocław, nowa hala Protramu.
Author: Jessi

Comments: 4

17 july 2008 - Wrocław, ul. Legnicka, teren Protramu. eNka manewruje z #2430 lub #2429.
Author: Matizus

Comments: 2

21 june 2010 - Wrocław, teren zakładu Protram.
Author: favorit81

Comments: 2



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